Many coastal towns are preparing to see the biggest tides in half a century this autumn, but there is a reason why residents of one British seaside resort will be checking the tide times more than most in September – the surge will hit before work to repair its flood defences is complete. In fact,
Flooding: The Lessons Learnt
Flooding caused a Christmas nightmare for many people last year, and few can find much positive to say about the washout winter of 2013. That time of year has arrived again and people are already checking the tide times and weather forecasts religiously in order to make sure they are prepared if the worst should
Business Flood Planning
Flood Planning Advice
Preparing for a flood means much more than simply checking tide times and weather forecasts. Along with ensuring your home is as flood-proof as possible, there are preparations you can make to help you cope if the worst should happen. Make a plan If you are moving into a new property, or you have just